
Msimanga blames ANC for broken promises since 1994

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The Democratic Alliance’s (DA) Gauteng Premier candidate Solly Msimanga says he expects load shedding to return after the 29 May elections. He says the African National Congress (ANC) has continued to break promises since it came to power in 1994.

The DA outlines its plan of action to deal with what it terms corrupt activities and broken promises made by the ANC government. The party releases a detailed research report to the media in Rivonia, north of Johannesburg.

Addressing DA members at Lilliesleaf farm, Msimanga says people must not be fooled by the sudden disappearance of load shedding.

He says the current government does not care about dealing with crime, education, corruption and other challenges that are facing the country.

Msimanga says the DA welcomes every stakeholder who wants to work with them. He says this will help them to join hands to solve some of the challenges facing the country.

