
Mpianzi’s father describes him as remarkable

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The father of the late Enock Mpianzi has described his son as remarkable saying he had many dreams and plans for the future. The Parktown Boys’ High School learner died during a Grade 8 orientation camp last month.

The 13-year-old drowned at the Nyathi Bush and Riverbreak Lodge in the North West – when a makeshift raft, that he and other boys were on, overturned on the Crocodile River.

Mpianzi will be laid to rest later on Saturday at Westpark cemetery.

Mpianzi’s father, Guy Intamba, was speaking at the funeral at Kensington High School, in Johannesburg.

“I stand here today with a broken heart. The loss of a child is something I could never prepare for. Enock was a remarkable child. Even in death he left a mark. He had so many dreams and plans for the future but God decided otherwise. Enock, my son, I love you with all my heart. I am profoundly proud to have been your father. I will never let you down. RIP my son.”

Meanwhile, a family friend who is also a reverend says the late Enock Mpianzi was a loving and peaceful person. Reverend Ada Dienga says Enock has left a legacy his peers can learn from.

Mpianzi was the last born of the other two brothers.

Dignitaries including Gauteng MEC for Community Safety, Faith Mazibuko, are also in attendance.

The Gauteng Department of Education is yet to release a report detailing the circumstances leading to his death.

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