
Mixed reactions from parties in North West following firing of MEC Cwaile

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Political parties in the North West have expressed mixed reactions following the sacking of Co-operative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs MEC, Mmoloki Cwaile.

Cwaile was fired by Premier Job Mokgoro on Wednesday night. Mokgoro’s action is reported to be informed by Cwaile’s alleged defiance in renewing the contract of the head of Human Settlements, Advocate Neo Sephuthi, and his subsequent termination of a contract worth R300 million relating to performance management.

Cwaile was placed on special leave last week.

Cwaile was appointed as MEC in November last year. This was after the death of the then MEC Gordon Kegakilwe from COVID-19 complications. It is reported that Cwaile’s relationship with Premier Mokgoro soured recently.

Cwaile will be replaced by former Mahikeng Local municipality mayor and African National Congress (ANC) Women’s League Provincial Secretary, Lena Miga.

North West provincial Spokesperson, Brian Setswambung confirms Cwaile’s sacking.

“I can confirm Premier Tebogo Job Mokgoro, has terminated the services of MEC Mmoloki Cwaile as the MEC for COGTA in the North West province. Premier Mokgoro will announce the replacement of MEC Mmoloki Cwaile at the swearing-in ceremony that is going to be taking place.”

Not surprised

Democratic Alliance’s (DA) Chief Whip, Freddy Sonakile says they are not surprised by the move.

“This does not come as a surprise to us as we indicated before that the Premier; the ANC and MEC Cwaile have been at loggerheads with each other over the departmental contracts including the issue on the appointment of the HOD who will take over from the former HOD Miss Sephuthi.”

The Economic Freedom Fighters’ (EFF) Provincial Chairperson, Shakes Botswe, says the EFF in the North West welcome the decision of the Premier to fire MEC Cwaile.

“The former MEC has failed to bring stability to the municipalities but confirmed to participate in factions of the ANC at the municipalities which compromised services in the North West.”

A spokesperson for the ANC Interim Provincial Committee (IPC) Kenny Morolong has welcomed the appointment of Miga as the new MEC.

“Comrade Lena Miga brings a wealth of experience to this critical portfolio having previously served in the local government space as the executive mayor of the Mahikeng local municipality. She has also in recent times, served as the head of the IPC sub-committee on governance and legislature. The sub-committee conducted an extensive assessment on the state of local government in the province.”

VIDEO: Political tensions between North West Premier Job Mokgoro and ANC members: Theo Venter

