
Mixed impact of recent heavy rains on South Africa’s reservoirs

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Despite heavy rains across various regions of South Africa, the country’s reservoirs have experienced a decrease in water levels.

The rainfall has also resulted in localised flooding in areas such as Ladysmith in KwaZulu-Natal and some parts of Gauteng.

Minister of Water and Sanitation, Senzo Mchunu, highlighted that most of the country’s major dams, which are the biggest suppliers of water, have recorded an increase in water levels.

Mchunu, however, urged the public to use water wisely.

“We have to take this as underscoring the issue of climate change, the issue of South Africa still remaining as a water-scarce country – that doesn’t change, and that people have to use water sparingly and cautiously and knowingly that it’s a national interest. It’s there to support life, all of us.”

“But it also means that while there’s rain in certain parts of the country, there’s no rain in certain parts of the country and there may be a risk that is greater than in other areas, especially if you look at the western part of the country,” says Mchunu.

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