
Minister Lamola calls for all injustices to be eradicated

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Justice Minister Ronald Lamola has challenged those in authority, including himself, to honour the legacy of the late Human Rights Lawyer, Advocate George Bizos through making sure that injustices are eradicated across all spheres of society.

Lamola was addressing a virtual memorial service for the late Bizos, organised by the African National Congress (ANC). Bizos died two weeks ago at the age of 92 and was laid to rest at Westpark Cemetery in Johannesburg last week.

Bizo’s funeral service: 

Lamola says he is ready to take the baton and continue where Bizos left -off.

“If there is one thing that can be learnt from the life of this great advocate, it is that the constitution will not eradicate injustices in communities on its own, as another great legal mind, Plato once said; ‘An imbalance between the rich and the poor is the oldest and most fatal ailments of all republics’. As long as we have poverty and inequality, we cannot give proper expression to the values of the constitution that George Bizos like him and others aspire to. ”

Xenophobic attacks

Former president Kgalema Motlanthe also attended the memorial. He says xenophobic attacks in South Africa need to come to an end.

Motlanthe says the late Human Rights Lawyer, Advocate George Bizos was an example of a person who arrived in South Africa and did great things for the country.

Motlanthe told people attending a virtual memorial service for Bizos that many foreign nationals in South Africa have much to offer the country.

“There is a rush to send the oppressed back to their troubled homes, rendering them stateless beings floating between borders. However, given the opportunity to register for education, to apply their minds, skills and creativity, to become professionals in their own rights, would we not find advocates, specialists, contributors and builders such as uncle George.”
