
‘Members who left KwaSizabantu Mission suffered spiritual abuse’

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Many of the members who left the KwaSizabantu Mission in KwaZulu-Natal suffered spiritual abuse at the hands of its leaders.

That is according to Louis Erasmus who has been testifying at the CRL Commission’s Inquiry into allegations of rape, abuse and fraud against leaders of the mission.

In the video below KwaSizabantu Mission in KZN is accused of abusing its congregants:

Erasmus worked there while he was employed by Doctors for Life International.

He also testified that he spoke to several people who told him that when they left the mission, they were forced to leave all their belongings behind.

“I also started meeting many of the people who had left the mission. You see, I was outside, not living on the mission and all of these people have a tale to tell of spiritual abuse, all of them. Many of them have also lost all of their possessions and they were forced to leave the mission with nothing. I know and have met some of these people,” adds Erasmus.

Kwasizabantu has denied all allegations against it.
