
Maimane launches petition to exclude public facilities from load shedding

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Build One South Africa (Bosa) leader Mmusi Maimane has launched a petition in the fight to ensure that public facilities are excluded from load shedding.

This comes after the announcement by public enterprises minister Pravin Gordhan to appeal the ruling by the Pretoria High Court to exempt public facilities like schools, clinics, hospitals and police stations from rolling blackouts.

Maimane says the government wants to continue victimising the country by challenging the court order.

Bosa, the United Democratic Movement (UDM), National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (Numsa) and other organisations approached the courts on this matter which they believe constitutes a gross violation of human rights and adds to the country’s economic woes.

Maimane launched the load shedding petition outside the Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital in Soweto on Wednesday.

“None of us ever thought we would live under a government when it is compelled by the courts to provide electricity, it says we are going to fight against the court ruling in essence, you are not fighting against the courts but against the people of this country, you are an opponent of the people and Minister Pravin Gordhan including a government you are part of, you are now against the people of South Africa.”

VIDEO: Maimane speaks about  load shedding petition to Gordhan: 

Court’s decision

The Congress of the People (COPE) also slammed the decision by Gordhan, to appeal the court’s decision.

COPE Spokesperson Dennis Bloem says Gordhan should rather focus on fixing Eskom than appealing the judgment.

“The government must stop wasting taxpayers’ money. This decision of Minister Pravin Gordhan to appeal the judgment of the High Court in Pretoria is totally uncalled for. The people of this country want to see the back of this devastating load shedding and are not interested in court cases. Every sector of society feels the impact of this devasting load shedding including the criminal justice system.”
