
Maimane, ACDP and Nelson Mandela Bay Metro community march over crime

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Freedom Day celebrations came in the form of a march at the Northern Areas of the Nelson Mandela Bay Metro. Leader of Build One South Africa, Mmusi Maimane, alongside the local charter of the African Christian Democratic Party (ACDP) and community members took to the streets of Bethelsdorp.

This is in protest of the high levels of crime and low police visibility in the area. More than 70 murder cases have been reported in this area since the beginning of this year.

The residents say they have no reason to celebrate Freedom Day because they are not free. They say they are bound by the gangsterism that has infiltrated the area.

“People of South Africa are not free. They cannot walk the streets without being raped or murdered. The only people who can celebrate Freedom Day are the criminals because they murder, and nothing happens. They sell drugs without being brought to book. We want the police minister to stop grandstanding and come fix the real problems. There is one van servicing over 20 000 people. it is unacceptable,” says Maimane.

“The crime rate in this area is not letting up. The people are not safe in their own homes. And this one tiny police station cannot keep up with the backlog of crime. And now we have a new area here that houses nearly 6000 people. How is this police station supposed to service them as well? The people of this area deserve better. We are taking action to apply pressure so that we can stop the ongoing violence,” says ACDP leader in the Eastern Cape, Lance Grootboom.

