
Mahlangu’s cross-examination continues on contentious decision to relocate patients

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The cross-examination of former Gauteng Health MEC Qedani Mahlangu in the Life Esidimeni hearing continues on Thursday, at the North Gauteng High Court in Pretoria.

The inquiry is considering whether anyone can be held liable for the deaths of 144 people who were moved to unregistered NGOs in 2016.

On Wednesday, Mahlangu told the inquest that she was not well briefed about the patients who died at two of the NGOs she visited during the relocation period.

“I don’t remember counsel. Even when we [were] having the meeting with the [former] premier [David Makhura] there was an indication given to that meeting, I think on the 15th of September. The numbers that were talked about were about those who died in government hospitals. Because those were already in government premises whenever they moved from Life [Esidimeni] or any of that,” adds Mahlangu.

Life Esidimeni was closed due to financial constraints. Mahlangu is being cross-examined regarding her role in the controversial decision that led to the relocation of over three-thousand mental health patients from Life Esidimeni.

The video below is reporting more on the story:
