
Mabuyane confirms deregistration from Fort Hare following irregular admission

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Eastern Cape Premier Oscar Mabuyane has been deregistered from pursuing a Master’s Degree at the University of Fort Hare (UFH) after it emerged that procedures on his admission for the course in Public Administration were not properly followed.

In a statement, Mabuyane has confirmed that he received a letter from the university informing him of the deregistration.

His spokesperson Mvusiwekhaya Sicwetsha has maintained that the Premier followed the correct admission procedures.

“Mr Mabuyane has requested the University to provide him with reasons for their decision and thus expressed his intention to appeal the senate outcomes, including a possible judicial review if needs be. Mr Mabuyane will therefore appeal that the media and public allow this process to unfold and as such he will not be commenting further on the matter. Mr Mabuyane remains committed to the fight against corruption and fraud.”

In a statement, the University said it had recently launched an inquiry into allegations of irregular admission and registration of two students by Professor Edwin Ijeoma.

Ijeoma, who has been the head of the Economics and Management Department, has since resigned from the institution.

He was suspended in October 2020 following allegations of flouting registration and admissions processes at the institution.

Ijeoma also had his South African citizenship revoked following the discovery that he lied about his marital status to secure South African citizenship.

UFH says following a Senate meeting on 12 March, the Faculty Management and Commerce recommended that the two students be suspended for not complying with the minimum requirements.

It also says the students are welcome to reapply for their respective study programmes.

Mabuyane says he was not aware of any investigation on his admission and will appeal the university’s decision.
