
Legal team argues Mabuyane is outside scope of SIU’s investigation

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The legal team of Eastern Cape Premier Oscar Mabuyane has argued in the Bhisho High Court that Mabuyane is outside the scope of the SIU’s investigation.

The SIU is investigating maladministration, fraud and the awarding of honours degrees at the University of Fort Hare.

Mabuyane is applying to the court to have the investigation by the SIU against him declared unlawful and invalid.

Mabuyane takes President, SIU and University of Fort Hare to court:

Mabuyane’s lawyer Thembeka Ngcukaitobi says the Premier does not hold an honours degree at the University and is not implicated in any of the matters under investigation.

“The President must be taken to have known what he was doing because at the time the proclamation was published the allegations of masters were a matter of deliberately decided to exclude it.”
