
Latest mining and manufacturing production numbers worse than expected

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Analysts say the latest mining and manufacturing production numbers have come in worse than expected.

Statistics South Africa says manufacturing production decreased by 3.2% in June compared to the same time last year.

The largest negative contributors came from petroleum, chemical products, basic iron and steel as well as wood and wood products.

Mining production declined by even more at 4.2% in June compared to the same time last year.

Major drops came from gold, diamonds and platinum group metals.

Economist at Nedbank Nicki Weimar says there has been a decline in exports and imports.

“They are all export-orientated industries. So if you think what you’re starting to see is that the escalating trade war between China and the US is hurting activity in China, you, therefore, have actually seen a decline in Chinese exports and imports and that actually determines demand for our products.  Added to that commodity prices have been weakened to stagnant and that hasn’t helped the fate of either mining or manufacturing.”
