
KZN Premier vows to fast-track oThongathi rebuild

oThongathi damaged homes
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KwaZulu-Natal Premier Thami Ntuli says he wants to fast-track the process of rebuilding for the survivors of the disaster-stricken area of oThongathi, north of Durban.

Ntuli conducted an oversight visit to assess recovery and relief efforts in the area after a tornado swept through, leaving a trail of destruction 3 weeks ago.

Twelve people lost their lives while over 1 200 were left homeless. At least 18 schools were damaged.

Ntuli says he will be engaging with MECs to intervene urgently.

“I don’t want a situation where people who are stricken by the disaster would spend decades without rebuilding their lives. I don’t want a situation where there are grants meant to intervene to help people rebuild that would have been allocated, only to find that you don’t see the impact in the real lives of the people. Time is against us; we need to help the people of oThongathi to rebuild now.”
