
KZN identifies 180 oTongathi families needing aid after tornado

oThongathi damaged homes
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The KwaZulu-Natal government has identified 180 families in oTongathi, north of Durban, as being in urgent need of assistance following last week’s tornado.

Building materials will be delivered to the area, on Monday, with these families given priority to rebuild their homes.

Last week a tornado ripped through the area leaving about 11 people dead.

While immediate relief has been provided to affected families, building material has been identified as the critical next essential, as hundreds of homes have been reduced to rubble.

Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs Provincial Spokesperson, Nonala Ndlovu, explains how these families are going to be assisted.

“180 families are totally displaced and those are being put on the priority list, so as the materials start moving into the area from Monday onwards. Those are the people that we are going to deal with first so that we are able to help people go back into their homes… So, that is the priority right now.”

PODCAST | 180 families in Tongaat identified by the KZN government as being in dire need of assistance after last week’s tornado:
