
King Dinuzulu was a gifted person with great wisdom: Ramaphosa

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President Cyril Ramaphosa has paid tribute to King Dinuzulu kaCetshwayo saying he was one of South Africa’s greatest forebearers. Ramaphosa was speaking at the 110th commemoration of the death of the former Zulu monarch at KwaCeza in northern KwaZulu-Natal.

Before reflecting on the late king’s legacy, Ramaphosa laid a wreath at King Dinuzulu’s grave.

Ramaphosa has described King Dinizulu as a freedom fighter and a great leader who defied colonial rule.

“King Dinizulu was dismissed as an uneducated rural youth like many were just dismissed by the colonial and apartheid rulers who thought people from the rural areas were up to nothing and yet he was a gifted person with great wisdom beyond our imagination. An imagination and wisdom that was given to him by his ancestors.”

Ramaphosa also elaborated on King Dinuzulu’s love for education and music, traits that he passed onto his children.

“He also became deeply involved in the arts, earlier in his life he was a prolific composer, he played ipiano and the organ. This love for music led to the spread of choral music and other transitional styles like ischatamiya, maskandi and many others which are unique to the Zulu Kingdom.”
