
Kathrada Foundation calls for people-centred GNU government

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The Ahmed Kathrada Foundation has called on political parties to place the interests of South Africans before their own.

This is as the National Assembly prepares to hold its sitting on Friday where a new President and Speaker will be elected.

The Foundation’s communications manager, Zusipe Batyi says discussions around the formation of a new government must be people-centred.

“People’s interests must always be supreme,” adding it will augur well for political party leaders to obtain the counsel of previous leaders who participated in pre-democracy negotiations to obtain wisdom on how to proceed going forward.

The African National Congress, meanwhile, says it will seek to include a group of opposition parties in government after the party lost its majority for the first time since the end of apartheid following the May 29 elections.

However, some political analysts say hard work is needed for the proposed government of national unity to work.
