
Judges Matter sets high expectations for Maya as Chief Justice

Mandisa Maya
Reading Time: 2 minutes

The judiciary’s watchdog, Judges Matter, says it has certain expectations from Deputy Chief Justice Mandisa Maya when she takes over the top job.

It says it’s looking forward to hearing Maya’s plans when the Judicial Service Commission interviews her for the position of Chief Justice today.

Maya is the sole candidate for the position after President Cyril Ramaphosa nominated her in February this year.

The interview comes as Chief Justice Raymond Zondo’s 12-year non-renewable term expires at the end of August.

Mbekezeli Benjamin from Judges Matter says, “What we are looking for from Justice Maya is her plans for the judiciary because right now there are a number of burning issues – there is an expectation that she would address. The first one is on the governance and administration of the judiciary. Last year at the judges’ conference, the number one resolution was that there should be more urgent action to make sure that the administration of the judiciary falls under the judges themselves.”

“The second burning issue in dealing with misconduct cases against judges. With the recent impeachment of two judges, there was really a lot of pressure to make sure that the system works efficiently and effectively as possible because it has taken far too long to deal with complaints against judges; and so there is an expectation that she would move quickly to fix that system.”

VIDEO | Deputy Chief Justice Mandisa Maya avails herself for Chief Justice Interviews: 

