
Jordan not supporting ‘no vote campaign’

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Former cabinet minister and African National Congress (ANC) National Executive Committee member Pallo Jordan says he does not support his comrade former intelligence minister Ronnie Kasrils’ ‘no vote’ campaign.

The campaign calls on people to vote for other parties other than the ANC or spoil their ballot papers.

In an interview with SABC News in Parliament, Jordan says, “I differ very fundamentally with Ronnie Kasrils on how people should conduct themselves during the election. I am in continuing correspondence and in dialogue with him on the matter and we differ fundamentally.”

He adds, “I said to him and anyone else who wants to spoil the ballot paper or vote against the ANC, that to vote against the ANC by spoiling your ballot paper or staying away, is indirectly voting for an opposition party. And with all it’s faults, the ANC in my view is head and shoulders above all the opposition parties.”

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