
Johannesburg City Council passes budget

Image of Johannesburg buildings
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The Johannesburg City Council has finally passed the 2018/2019 budget after failing to do so in the previous sittings. This comes after the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) demanded that water and electricity tariffs be lowered.

The Democratic Alliance (DA) led administration got the support of the EFF and the African Independent Congress (AIC) who kept on piled on the pressure to prevent tariff increases.

Last week, Mashaba presented his R59 billion budget for this financial year at council, but was largely rejected by the African National Congress (ANC) and EFF.

The budget had proposed a 7.37% tariff increase for electricity and an astounding 14.2% rise in water tariffs. On Tuesday, ANC councillors refused to come back after the lunch adjournment, during the passing of the budget.


