
Joburg set on Rehabilitation

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SABC News staff members in Johannesburg are planning to volunteer for
at least an hour on Saturday, July 16 at the Netcare Rehabilitation
in Auckland Park. This well-resourced and specialised private healthcare
facility rehabilitates adults and children across the spectrum with
physical disabilities. The hospital has five wards – four for adults and one for children up to the age of 12.
team will interact with the patients, and read to the patients in the
wards or garden. They will help feed the patients, push their
wheelchairs, play with them and help them to exercise. The
news staff also plan on giving patients a makeover by grooming them and
pampering the patients with flowers, get-well cards, magazines, books,
colouring books and sweets.

Wednesday 13 July 2011 12:20

This private healthcare facility rehabilitates adults and children across the spectrum with physical disabilities

The centre currently has 70 patients, including mineworkers, rural people and foreigners. Some patients have experienced near-drowning, poly-trauma, accidents, strokes, fractures, amputations, joint replacements, burns or pressure sores. Some of their injuries relate to the spinal cord, brain or nervous system.

Patients need to recover the use of their limbs and/or brain. They need help and counselling with their body image and regaining confidence.
They need to be reintegrated into society and their families also need to adjust to their new realties.


Second Joburg project
SABC News will help The Pumla School for the Severely Mentally Handicapped at Orlando West in Soweto on July 22.

The school caters for about 300 local children, many of whom come from underprivileged homes. It equips them with skills such as woodwork and allows some of them to become seamstresses.

SABC News staff in Johannesburg will paint the school, raise sponsorship/money to repair broken windows and just spend some quality time with the children.

The school building will need to be washed down, sanded and prepped before it’s painted so that the new paint doesn’t peel. Paint manufacturer, Dulux, and its Social Corporate Investment, the “Let’s Colour” project, is a sponsor and partner.

Books and clothes tfor the children are also very welcome.
