
Ipsos election poll flawed: Agang SA

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Agang SA on Sunday disputed poll results indicating negligible support, saying it was confident it would come third in the country’s upcoming elections.

“According to the poll, support for Agang SA was so low it failed to register,” said party spokesperson Jock McConnachie.

McConnachie was responding to a report in the Sunday Times that said in an Ipsos election survey of 2219 registered voters,
Agang SA achieved lower levels of support than other opposition parties scoring support levels between 2.8% and 0.3%.

The parties included the Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP), Congress of the People (Cope), African Christian Democratic Party (ACDP), and Freedom Front Plus (FF Plus).

“We confidently predict that Agang SA will not just beat the combined vote of all the above parties but that we will end up third, ahead of the EFF (Economic Freedom Fighters).”

According to the poll, between March 21 and April 4, support for the African National Congress (ANC) was determined to be at 65.5%, followed by the Democratic Alliance (DA) with 23.1%.

The third largest group of supporter — 4% of those polled — aligned themselves with the Economic Freedom Fighters.

McConnachie said Agang SA regarded the poll as both “flawed” and “hopelessly outdated”.

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