
Global population reaches 8 billion as growth poses new challenges

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The United Nations (UN) has announced that the world’s population has reached eight billion people, warning that climate change will exacerbate resource scarcity for regions already experiencing shortages.

John Wilmoth, director of the UN’s population division has noted that reaching eight billion people is “a sign of human success, but it’s also a great risk for our future”.

Most of this growth has been attributed to middle-income nations, mainly in Africa and Asia, which have gained 700 million new citizens since 2011.

“The population in many countries in sub-Saharan Africa is projected to double between 2022 and 2050, putting additional pressure on already strained resources and challenging policies aimed at reducing poverty and inequalities,” the UN report said.

Consumption of resources beyond a reasonable level

Many experts agree that the biggest issue facing our planet is the overconsumption of resources by the wealthy, which is one of the biggest environmental threats.

The infographic below illustrates some countries with the world’s largest populations:

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