
IFP winning KZN in next year’s election will be biggest gift to Buthelezi: Party members

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Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) supporters say the best gift and honour the party could give to the late President Emeritus of the party Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi is to unite and refrain from squabbles.

They gathered outside the Ulundi mortuary where Buthelezi’s body was kept. They joined AmaZulu regiments who had to escort Buthelezi’s body home to KwaPhindangene.

Party members say the best gift to Prince Buthelezi would be to win KwaZulu-Natal in next year’s general elections.

“The biggest gift we can give to the late Prince Buthelezi is to win elections in next year’s general elections. I think the most give we can give to uMntwana wakwaPhindangene is to reclaim the province of KZN as the IFP. The second biggest gift that will have a huge impact on the gift I mentioned earlier is to unite and forgive each other where we might have differed as members and talk to each other. Allow those in positions to lead,” an IFP member said.

Video: Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi I Amabutho to accompany his body back home
