
IFP retains ‘hotly-contested’ ward 39 in KZN

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The Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) has once again retained the hotly-contested ward 39 in Kwamashu Men’s Hostel under EThekwini municipality.
During Wednesday by-elections the IFP received almost 3 000 of the 5 000 votes cast.

African National Congress (ANC) received the second most votes at 1700. The ANC won three other by-elections in northern KwaZulu-Natal.

The National Freedom Party (NFP) only managed to win one in the area. Independent Electoral Commission Provincial Commissioner Mawethu Mosery has commended the political parties for ensuring a safe and free environment.

“Three of the five by-elections were won by the ANC and one by the IFP, one by the NFP. The NFP won Nongoma by-election. The IFP won the Kwamashu, ward 39 Ethekwini by-election. The ANC won in Abaqulusi, in Umtshezi and Vulamehlo where we held by-election.”

Recently there were incidents of political intolerance in the area including the murder of two women from the NFP and IFP.

Thirty-three political parties signed the Electoral Code of Conduct to ensure a free and fair election on May 7. The Code of Conduct commits them to tolerance during election campaigns.

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