
IFP retains control of Nongoma Municipality

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) has managed to retain its tenuous control of the Nongoma Municipality in Zululand, despite losing a seat to the National Freedom Party in the recent by-election.

The National Freedom Party (NFP) won the by-elections held in two wards in the municipality. After the results were declared, the IFP working with the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) on the one hand, and the NFP working with the African National Congress (ANC) had an equal number of seats.

Holding the deciding vote, the National People’s Front decided to side with the IFP.

National People’s Front leader Bheki Gumbi, explains their decision.

“The National People’s Front has decided to vote with the coalition of the IFP and the EFF and we resolved that we are not going to support one part, but we are going to check which party got more vote. In the case of Nongoma, the people of Nongoma voted the IFP more than any other party. Therefore, we have decided to support the IFP, if they fail to deliver it is only when we will go back and review our decision.”

ANC, IFP in a midst of a court battle over control of Mtubatuba Municipality
