
IFP echoes Ramaphosa’s sentiments for reconciliation

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The Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) has echoed the sentiments of African National Congress (ANC) President Cyril Ramaphosa, that a reconciliation is necessary for the parties.

IFP MP and Deputy President, Mzamo Buthelezi, says a reconciliation is crucial for healing past hurts that took place.

Ramaphosa spoke of the need for a reconciliation while addressing the funeral of IFP founding president Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi, who died last week aged 95.

Buthelezi says that a reconciliation is for the entire nation and not just the parties.

“This matter is not in fact the matter between the IFP and the ANC, but it concerns people of this country. It’s a very deep and emotional matter, which is about soothing and healing the wounds which still exists today. So, it’s very important for these two parties to actually reconcile- but what becomes an issues as far as we are concerned as the IFP- is when the ANC was waiting for the prince to die before they take this matter seriously. You all know that the IFP has been in the forefront of trying to beg the ANC that let us come down, let us talk about this issue.”

VIDEO | Ramaphosa delivers Buthelezi’s eulogy: 

ANC, IFP reconciliation 

One of the wishes of Buthelezi was to see long outstanding tensions between the ANC and the IFP resolved before he passed on.

Speaking in an exclusive interview with SABC News in Parliament ahead of his 90th Birthday in August 2018, Buthelezi claimed he spoke to President Cyril Ramaphosa about it.

“I have recently contacted him talking about this issue, the unfinished business of reconciliation between the ANC and IFP recently and I don’t know if he will do something about it. And I was appealing to him that before I close my eyes in death, that is sorted out before then.”

Five years later, Prince Buthelezi has now passed away with his aspiration for reconciliation between the IFP and ANC remaining unfulfilled.

EXCLUSIVE | SABC speaks to Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi, August 2018: 
