
I will not vote for the ANC: Kasrils

Reading Time: 2 minutes

ANC stalwart and freedom fighter, Ronnie Kasrils has urged potential voters to think clearly and carefully about which party they are going to vote for in the coming elections.

In Port Elizabeth where he was delivering the Ruth First Memorial Lecture, Kasrils said he is not going to vote for the ANC as there are too many issues about the current government that disturb him.

The memorial lecture also forms part of the Nelson Mandela Bay Palestine Solidarity Alliance’s Israel Apartheid Week. Kasrils was warmly received by a small and enthusiastic crowd.

He did not hold back on his criticism of government. He questioned the money spent on security upgrades at President Zuma’s Nkandla residence.

“I have come to a point where there are too many things about government that disturb me. It’s the first time that I am not going to canvas for the party I belonged to my whole adult life and I am saying to people question your mind…question these parties. Don’t go for the DA, I can’t go for anything that is so overtly for the capitalists for business.”

The former cabinet minister also called on the younger generation to be vigilant and not make the same mistakes as the current government.

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