
Homeowners without insurance prioritised by NGOs in oThongathi

Reading Time: 2 minutes
A number of NGOs mobilising aid for the victims of last week’s tornado that left a trail of devastation in oThongathi and surrounding areas north of Durban, are now focusing on helping people who suffered damage to their homes but do not have insurance.
Tongaat Disaster Joint Operations Committee spokesperson – Yogan Naidoo – says last week, hundreds of volunteers helped to prepare over 5-thousand meals for storm victims in oThongathi daily.
The committee coordinates humanitarian relief channeled through 3 local NGOs.
Naidoo says they are now working to repair the homes of uninsured and unemployed survivors.

Naidoo says people who want to make donations or volunteer their time, can visit of contact the Vishwaroop Temple in oThongathi.

“We have currently at the moment on the ground engineers who have volunteered their time to do assessments for us to have an understanding as to the magnitude of the repairs – and also to be able to give a lot of donors an understanding of what needs to be done; what needs to be provided for these houses to be repaired. Were also very, very thankful for the overwhelming support form out sister organisations, from our friends and families from all over South Africa – from Gauteng, Cape Town and the entire province of KZN.”
