
Government urges voters not to ‘spoil their votes’

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Government ministers have urged voters to ignore the call by former minister Ronnie Kasrils to spoil their ballot papers if they feel they can’t vote for the African National Congress (ANC).

The counter call was made during a justice cluster media briefing in Pretoria on the government’s state of readiness for the election.

Defence Minister Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula described the call to spoil votes as a betrayal of all the liberation movement has fought for, especially the right to vote.

Without mentioning Kasrils by name, she said those behind the campaign should stay away from the voting as individuals without misleading the general public.

Listen to Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula.

Meanwhile, the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) says they are prepared for any challenges they might encounter this coming elections, such as spoilt ballots.

Head of the IEC in the Northern Cape, Bonolo Modise says almost seven-thousand spoilt ballots were recorded in the 2009 elections.

Modise defines a spoilt ballot as a vote that cannot be allocated to any party or individual in an election as the voter’s decision is not clear.

Listen to Bonolo Modise.

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