
Gauteng residents demand delivery not promises

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Gauteng residents have called on Premier, Panyaza Lesufi and his new multi-party administration to ensure that service delivery is at the top of their agenda.

Gauteng faces a number of service delivery challenges including housing backlogs, potholes, crumbling infrastructure, and filthy streets particularly in townships and informal settlements.

Frustrated residents say they are tired of government’s empty promises and are calling on Lesufi to heed their calls for a better life.

One resident says, “The National and Provincial Elections have come and gone and we have got the problem of electricity and the problem of potholes, and also the problems with water.”

Another says, “If I look where we’re staying it is still the same for the past 30 years and our leaders keep on promising and promising and nothing changes. If you look where I am staying, it is still the same compared to other places.”

Johannesburg residents and business owners say they don’t believe that the CCTV cameras, recently installed as part of a crime fighting initiative by Lesufi, will deter criminals.

Earlier this year, the Gauteng Government in its endeavor to intensify the fight against crime, deployed various technology to enhance law enforcement and combat crime. It includes CCTV cameras, drones and E-Panic buttons.

Lesufi said, while announcing his new cabinet this week, that the fight against crime, corruption and lawlessness will be at the centre of his administration. SABC NEWS spoke to some residents on this.

“It is never safe even when they are around, I do not think it will improve any security around here. I think we need to improve our security not the CCTV camera because it is clear that whoever is watching them takes time to respond. Crime has already been done and they come after so there is no need for it,” says one resident.

“Here always the crime is happening, you see the camera is there but nothing is happening. You see one day they put the boy knife there, he sleep here for long time and the ambulance is not coming so I know the camera doesn’t work – it is nothing serious,” adds another.
