
Gauteng allocates R1.7 billion for job creation

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The Gauteng provincial budget includes R1.7 billion  that will be allocated to the Department of Economic Development in the 2024/25 financial year to address unemployment in the province.

MEC for Finance in Gauteng Jacob Mamabolo says he has a short, medium and long-term solution to creating jobs in the Gauteng economy.

This includes special economic zones to attract investment, the continuation of the Nasi iSpani Mass Recruitment Programme and a partnership with TVET colleges.

“We need to enhance skills, particularly industry skills, ready to work. So, this partnership with the TVET colleges, the SETAs and the province of Gauteng is going to help address unemployment in the medium term. In the short term, we are creating jobs, medium term, we are going on a major skills revolution and then, of course, in the long term, the economy of Gauteng is going to pick up.”
