
Free State retains top spot

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The Free State Education MEC, Makalo Mohale, says they are very happy to have been able to maintain their number one spot as the top-performing province in producing the best matriculation results. The Free State is the leading province at 89%, an increase of 0.5% from 2022. KwaZulu-Natal, which is the third-best-improved province, has achieved 86.4% up from 3.4%, while the Gauteng pass rate is at 85.4% with a 1% improvement.

Mohale says there was a concerted effort to help the learners says, “There were many recovery programmes for learning; most of our learners could be seen over the weekends, and in the evenings, some of the learners were sleeping at school. The teachers and everyone who was involved were really working to make sure that we kept up with all of this.”

No province has recorded a decline in the 2023 matric results. The Free State, KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng are the three top performing provinces. Mpumalanga and the Northern Cape are the lowest performing provinces –  this is despite both recording improvements of 0.2% and 0.6% respectively.

