
Free State Premier condemns burning of buildings at UFS’ QwaQwa campus

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Free State premier Sisi Ntombela has condemned the burning of two buildings at the University of the Free State’s QwaQwa campus. The buildings were allegedly set alight by disgruntled students who have been protesting over NSFAS allocations. Ntombela’s spokesperson, Palesa Chubisi, says the premier will engage with university management in a bid to find a lasting solution.

The South African Union of Students (SAUS) has described as treasonous the burning of buildings, calling on the police to act decisively.

Firefighters had their hands full on Monday while extinguishing the raging fires on the media laboratory and clinic buildings.  

SAUS Spokesperson, Asive Dlanjwa, has described the alleged arson attack as criminality of the highest order.  

Dlanjwa has called on the police to bring the perpetrators to book. 


The university says it has launched an urgent investigation into the cause of the fire. 

The buildings were allegedly set alight by students who have had been protesting over National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) allocations. 

The university has condemned the incident, saying the behaviour was not viewed as protest action, but as criminal acts. 

In the post below, a user on Twitter posted a video of the fire as it happened: 
