
Four family members gunned down in Durban

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Four family members have been murdered at their homestead in the Mfume area of Umbumbulu, south of Durban. Police say a fifth victim was injured.

Among the deceased are an elderly couple, their 32-year-old son, and their 19-year-old grandson.

KwaZulu-Natal police spokesperson, Robert Netshiunda, says they were attacked by five unknown people.

“We would not have the motive for a fact, but what we have gathered so far investigating as the police is that there has been an ongoing family feud with some accusations labelled with some family members. They could have been a reason for the tract last year. This is the second rebound incident in the space of the year. That could suggest that there is a bigger motive behind it—maybe not a family feud like we are meant to believe. But as the police, it is our job to deep down find out what could be the motive because it looks like the assailants knew what they wanted,” says Netshiunda.

A family member who survived the attack, Andile Ngidi, says he heard his mother call out his name during the attack, and he fled into the night.

“I was sleeping, I don’t want to lie. I heard gunshots and my mother shouting my name. When I came out, I noticed that it was tense, but luckily I managed to escape. I only came back now that it’s daybreak because I was hiding in the bushes. I then went to the neighbours to get help. A similar incident occurred last year, my mother was the only one injured, but this time around she didn’t survive the attack,” he says.

Four family members gunned down in Mfume:
