
Fewer rapes reported in first three months of 2023: Cele

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Police minister, Bheki Cele, says fewer rapes have been reported in the first quarter of this year. Cele released the crime statistics for the fourth quarter of the 2022/23 financial year at Parliament earlier on Tuesday.

More than 10 500 people were raped from January to March this year, 306 cases less than the same period last year.

The Police Minister says while a decrease is welcome, the figures remain alarming.

“It remains concerning that 10 512 were raped in first three months of this year. 4768 took place at home of victim or perpetrator. Decline in some crime categories are welcomed but not victories. Crime in the country is still high and stubborn.”

Violent attacks

Meanwhile, women in the country continue to suffer violent attacks, mostly by men. This is according to  Cele.

From January to March this year, nearly 1000 women were murdered and more than 15-thousands assaulted.

Cele says the high rates of violence against women remain a concern to the SAPS.

“The women of this country continue to be stalked by violence, mainly at the hands of men. A double digit percentage increase of 21.5% was recorded in attempted murder figures for the 4th Quarter . This means there were 1 485 attempted murders of women in South Africa in the first three months of this year.”

VIDEO | Fourth Quarter Crime Statistics:
