
Families of Centane bus crash victims receive food aid

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Families of the 25 bus crash victims at Cebe village outside Centane in the Eastern Cape have received food aid from business people in the province.

The people who died in the crash on the 2nd of March were mostly breadwinners.

In this video, Minister Fikile Mbalula discusses the Centane bus crash

Deputy Minister of State Security Zizi Kodwa called on the private sector to assist.

Kodwa says his office had been planning to visit these families before the coronavirus outbreak to help where possible.

“As members of Parliament through our Parliamentary constituency office here in Centane, myself and MPL Nyalambisa we’ve always wanted to come to do something for the families of the bereaved, the families who lost their loved ones during the bus accident that took place in Centane that killed 25 people. We thought we should come here and relieve these families and give them food parcels. We spoke to a number of business people who are here represented today that we will come and at least give something to the families,” says Kodwa.

Vuyolwethu Mba lost her mother in the crash. She says the government has not fulfilled its promises.

“First and foremost government is pretending to want to assist us but nothing is being done. What I can tell you is that government is complicit in the death of our mother. My mother was a breadwinner, she was not getting anything from government,” says Mba.

In this video, Deputy Minister Zizi Kodwa speaks about aid for Centane victims’ families

