
FS Premier Dukwana urges girls not to hike alone amid abductions

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Free State Premier Mxolisi Dukwana says the walk against gender-based violence and femicide, which is underway in Bloemfontein today, is to highlight the importance of being cautious at all times.

This as the city battles with numerous abductions of young women. Two girls where abducted and killed last month with another two still missing.

Dukwana has urged young girls to avoid hiking alone.

“But also discouraging hiking at all times that they should avoid it. We are getting into schools, educating them about safety issues and many others but the most important thing for us is to build a society that is free of crime. That actually respects women and girls, and that is what we are doing now.”

Earlier this month, Free State youth activists took a stand against GBV following killings of young women:
