
Expert warns of possibility of Stage 11 blackouts in colder months

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Energy expert Clyde Mallinson has warned that rolling blackouts as high as Stage 11 could be implemented by Eskom this winter.

Eskom is currently implementing Stages 5 and 6 power cuts, citing ongoing generation capacity issues.

Mallinson says higher levels of rolling blackouts could be anticipated during the colder months.

“The problem is we have got a decline in the performance of the fleet, and it means the other ones have to pick up the extra load. The ones that are working, are working very hard. As a country, the best thing we can do is kit up with blankets and jerseys, try not to use your heaters this winter because the country is going to be on the edge with regards to meeting that supply/demand gap, particularly in peak times in winter where we could go beyond stage 11, as I indicated.”

Mallinson has also emphasised the importance of renewable energy options to help reduce higher levels of rolling blackouts during winter.

VIDEO | Mallinson elaborates in the discussion below:

