
Equal Education calls for inclusive online learner application system

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The organisation, Equal Education, is calling for the online learner application system to be accessible to all communities as some parents in the Western Cape express anger over electronic applications for Grade 1 and 8 learners for next year.

The parents say their applications were immediately rejected because they had applied at schools that are not located in their areas.

Attorney at the Equal Education Law Centre, Yolisa Piliso, says the system must be inclusive.

“It’s a system that allows for data capturing and all of that. That is important. But what I’m calling for is that systems must be accessible. Systems must speak for the people. Systems must reflect the realities of the people. You can’t be utilising a system that is going to send children away to schools that are far from where they are located. You can’t have a system that cannot place learners maybe closer to their residential areas.”

A number of parents whose online learner applications were rejected for Grades 1 and 8 for next year say they fear that their children may not get placements.

They say they’ve applied on time but applications are being rejected.

Siphokazi Magidigidi from Site B in Khayelitsha says she applied at three schools for her child but her applications were all rejected and there were no reasons given.

She says she also finds it difficult to utilise the online system.

“I feel painful because I want my child to go to school next year because it’s a difficult time when you go to school in January and they tell you that there is no space for the child or the school is full but you did make an application. As a parent, I think when I go to do the application I must receive a response back that there is no space for school.”
