
Environmental activists picket in Cape Town ahead of the arrival of Shell’s seismic drilling ship

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Members of Green Connection and other environmental activists are picketing at the Cape Town Harbour on Sunday ahead of the expected arrival of petroleum giant Shell’s seismic drilling ship, Amazon Warrior.

The ship is on its way to the Eastern Cape’s Wild Coast where it is due to start offshore seismic testing and surveys for oil and gas deposits off the coast between Morgan Bay and Port St Johns.

The three-dimensional seismic survey is due to start on 1 December 2021  and continue for four to five months.

A petition calling on the Minister of Forestry, Fisheries, and Environment Minister, Barbara Creecy, to withdraw Shell’s authorisation for the survey has already collected more than a 100 000 signatures.

Green Connection Spokesperson, Liziwe McDaid says they will demonstrate at Cape Town’s foreshore to show their dissatisfaction and opposition.
