
Energy department, mining company at loggerheads over unrehabilitated mine

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Mining expert and former senior director at the Department of Minerals and Energy Sunday Mabaso, says there are disagreements between the department and the mining house responsible for an unrehabilitated mining hole left in Riverlea, south of Johannesburg.

The area has been plagued by an increase in criminal activities- due to illegal miners operating in the area- which led to protests by residents on Monday- after five zama zamas were killed at the weekend in a turf war.

Mabaso says the rehabilitation of old mine shafts forms part of mining licences granted to mining houses.

“In terms of the requirements for mine closure, when a mine is granted a mining right, they are supposed to ensure that when it comes to an end or they’ve exhausted the minerals – then they close the pit.”

“So, with the Riverlea case, there were issues between the mining house and the department. The department has issued directives for the mine to close. However, there’ve been court cases going between the department and the mining houses – hence it remained unclosed.

The audio below is reporting more on the story:
