
Emotional funeral for teacher Mpho Moalosi in Bloemfontein

Tsoseletso high school teacher laid to rest
Reading Time: 3 minutes

The funeral service of Tsoseletso High School teacher Mpho Moalosi was an emotional one held in Bloemfontein. Her boyfriend, Steven Sejakane, allegedly ran over 41-year-old Moalosi with his car last week.

Free State Premier Maqueen Letsoha-Mathae appeals to men to reflect on the unacceptable killing of women and to lead in the fight against Gender-Based Violence.

A Guard of honour by learners and teachers to show respect to a dedicated teacher as the body of Moalosi arrived at the school hall.
Moalosi was described as a jovial and forever-smiling person.

Letsoha-Mathae urges men to end the scourge of GBV. Letsoha-Mathae has pleaded with men to reflect on what is happening to women and to give guidance.

“But this time around nothing, we must have this talk men to men. We tried our best as women of this country from different structures as I’ve already alluded to here that this GBV has no political affiliation. And we really need now to have men because we believe that men now will have to talk to them, other men. We tried our best and this ended up being called a pandemic. So we think this time around let the men lead us perhaps there will be a change.”

Former Free State Premier Sefora Ntombela and her foundation have called on families of men accused of GBV to speak out against acts of Gender-Based Violence.

“They must feel the pinch, they must feel what is going to happen. If we are not going to do anything about this we are going to suffer. And what I like about Buang Basadi all the women are here. Different political parties are part of this Buang Basadi, Basadi ba Dikereke, NGOs, NPOs everybody is here. Because we are women and we feel the pain. This thing must stop it can’t be right here in Bloemfontein only within two weeks we bury 6 women it’s wrong, it must stop.”

GBV FS | Three women killed in one week: 

The Free State Department of Education’s director of district management, Sam Mokgobo acknowledges Moalosi’s role.

“We really lost a dedicated teacher a teacher who transformed the lives of our children. A teacher who was always there when over the weekends, and holidays to teach our children not only a teacher but also a mentor, a person who was guiding a motivator. A netball coach who was always with her children. We really lost a wonderful teacher. We have lost a teacher who was disciplined, dedicated, and passionate about her work.”

A spokesperson for the deceased family, Tshidiso Mahlanyane has welcomed the support they received during this difficult time.

“Today is not an easy day at all because we are burying our sister. It’s been a tough week because we are dealing with this thing sometimes when these things happen and we are getting calls and this thing is in the public. We don’t get much time to heal but we highly appreciate the support we get from government and the community is showing us love.”

Moalosi alleged murderer Steven Sejakane is expected to appear in court on Wednesday for a bail application.

