
Embattled Mamusa Local Municipal Council must reconvene a meeting on Tuesday or face fresh elections

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The embattled Mamusa Local Municipal Council in Schweizer-Reneke in the North West has until the end of business on Tuesday to reconvene another council meeting or face fresh elections or a re-run, says Local government expert, Advocate Johnny Motlogelwa.

The municipal meeting which was convened on Monday had to be adjourned after it was disrupted.

The disruption started after the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) also nominated Olebeng Mogorosi as its Speaker candidate. He was announced the winner after the voting.

The African National Congress (ANC) caucus had mandated its councillors to vote for the former Mayor, Dr Gotsilekgosi Batsi as the new Speaker.

Motlogelwa says the deadline for all municipalities to convene their inaugural meetings is Tuesday.

“Those municipalities that will not be able to comply with the requirements of the law, and convene because they are unable to form a quorum by end of business today, will be subjected to new fresh elections which are called a re-run so that the municipality can be freshly elected and a new municipal council can be inaugurated,” says Motlogelwa.

Meanwhile, ANC National Executive Committee member Dakota Legoete has condemned the conduct of party councillors in the Mamusa Local Municipal Council.

Legoete says drastic action will be taken against councillors who defied the party.

“We are sick and tired as the ANC to have councillors who do as they wish and as they please. We are suffering reputational damage by councillors who conduct themselves willy-nilly. What we are going to do is we are not going to leave the situation unattended, disciplinary processes are going to be invoked against these councillors and where necessary, sentence will be meted against their actions,” says Legoete.

In the video from January this year, residents of Schweizer Reneke demand service delivery:
