
Election Day – SA goes to the polls

National Results Operations Centre for the 2024 elections
Reading Time: < 1 minute

South Africans are set to vote today in the most highly-contested elections since the end of apartheid in 1994.

More than 27-million people are registered to cast their ballots in the polls that highlight growing political fragmentation after 30 years of democracy.

Over 1.6 million people had applied for special voting which took place yesterday and on Monday.

The Electoral Commission says it is ready to deliver the elections.

Earlier President Cyril Ramaphosa commended the commission and its staff for what he said were their meticulous preparations for the polls.

“We commend the Independent Electoral Commission for the impressive work they have undertaken in preparation for these elections. We have once again witnessed the capabilities of the IEC – in the successful voter registration weekends, in the registration of parties and candidates, in the preparation of ballot papers, in the organisation of overseas voting, and in the diligent application of our electoral laws. We convey our thanks to the IEC staff as they deliver on this most important responsibility of our nation,” said Ramaphosa.
