
‘Effective safety measures needed for dog attacks’

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The newly-elected Free State Premier Maqueen Letsoha-Mathae says she will direct officials in the provincial government to implement measures to prevent dogs from attacking people.

This after four pitbulls mauled to death 28-year-old Nomathemba Kweleta from Bloemfontein on Monday.

Members of the public have since intensified their calls for the removal of pet pitbulls from households.

Letsoha-Matha expressed her condolences with the bereaved family.

“We also extend our heartfelt condolences to the family of Nomathemba Kweleta, a 27-year old woman who lost her life in a horrific attack by pitbulls in Rocklands Mangaung. This incident has reignited the contentious conversation over the safety of certain breeds of dogs. I’ll be directing our government to implement henceforth effective safety measures to prevent such vicious attacks on our people,” says  Lestsoha-Matha.
