
EFF rejects ANC’s proposal of a GNU if it encompasses DA, FF Plus

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) has rejected the ANC’s proposal of a Government of National Unity if it encompasses the Democratic Alliance (DA) and Freedom Front Plus.

Malema’s red berets say they don’t want to repeat the Government of National Unity of 1994. On the other hand, the Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) has committed to further engaging with the ANC and other parties on the formation of government.

“We are at a moment of fundamental consequence. We must act with speed to safeguard national unity, peace, stability, inclusive economic growth, non-racialism and non-sexism. We will invite political parties to form a Government of National Unity. We have had constructive discussions with the EFF, IFP, DA, NFP and PA,” Cyril Ramaphosa, ANC President.

On the other hand, the DA says it will only agree to be part of the ANC’s proposed Government of National Unity if the MK)Party, the EFF, and Patriotic Alliance (PA) are excluded.

PODCAST | Interview with DA national spokesperson Werner Horn on a unity govt and ActionSA’s withdrawal from the Multi-Party Charter

The ANC has decided to remain central and not choose any of the left or right leaning ideological parties for the formation of a coalition. A Government of National Unity is the proposal on the table but there is a bone of contention on the part of DA and MK Party.

The EFF says they want no part in a government that has the DA and Freedom Front Plus.

“We are opposed to the Governance of National Unity. We do not want to form part of a government with representatives of white colonial interest,” says Floyd Shivambu, EFF Deputy President.

The DA has welcomed the ANC NEC’s decision of a formation of a Government of National Unity. But the party is also on record on their refusal to work with the EFF.

“We welcome (the announcement) of a Government of National Unity and in our next engagements with the ANC, we will seek how they envisage this GNU. The DA FedEx will then have an engagement on the ANC’s proposals,” says Solly Malatsi, DA Spokesperson.

The IFP has shown interest in engaging further with the ANC to form part of the new government.

“The IFP has engaged with the ANC over the past few days. We had three scenarios presented in our meeting with the ANC. the IFP has now engaged with ANC on the announced Government of National Unity. In principle, the IFP is not adverse to the GNU,” says Mkhuleko Hlengwa, IFP Spokesperson.

The EFF has also called on parties to allow the MK Party to get first preference to form government in KwaZulu-Natal as they are the majority party in the legislature.

GNU | The path to Government of National Unity:

