
Educators’ council not doing enough to curb sexual violence: CGE

2nd Humanitarian Congress, 8.March.2013
Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Commission for Gender Equality (CGE) has expressed disappointment over the spate of sexual violence in schools.

The CGE met with the South African Council of Educators (SACE) Teddy Bear Clinic and the Department of Basic Education on Tuesday in Johannesburg to discuss findings from recent site inspections at various schools across the country.

Researchers found that pupils from Mpumalanga and KwaZulu-Natal were more likely to fall victim to sexual crimes.

Gender commission’s commissioner Mbuyiselo Botha said they are calling on relevant stakeholders to ensure that these cases are reduced while ensuring that perpetrators are dealt with by the law.

Botha says, “You don’t find a clear and concise answer as to their commitment to dealing with these cases. The sad part is that they are actually saying our hands are tied…”

“This afternoon what was disappointing is that they could not point out any actions they have taken. SACE has failed the learners. If nothing is done by SACE, violence will only continue in schools, our view is that it can’t be business as usual,” adds  Botha.

“In fact, you find the learners are removed while teachers remain and when they are transferred they continue to do these acts of abuse. If nothing happens, in my view SACE has failed the learners. We want them (SACE) to make a commitment and failing which there must be consequences,” says Botha.

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