
E Cape Health dept honours Madiba

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Department of Health in the Eastern Cape has  taken its services to the people, all in the name of Madiba, on Friday.

Over fifty senior citizens in Port Elizabeth received free medical services from government doctors and nurses and the programmes forms part of Nelson Mandela Centenary Celebrations.

Many who received treatment are frail and reside in various old age homes in the city. Seventy one year old Desira Hendricks was happy to have the service delivered to her door step.

“At hospitals, there are long queues and we are old, so this is good for us as we are old,” says Hendricks.

Medical staff rolled up their sleeves and went about their business delivering health care.

Dr Bongani Mooi said “it’s good to contribute towards Madiba’s legacy; we took time off as we are confined in our rooms as doctors, but to come and make a difference is good.”

The Eastern Cape Department of Health is confident that this new approach is sustainable. It will be rolled out in rural areas where health care services are required the most.

MEC of health, Helen Sauls-August said, ” we are looking at spreading this to rural areas where these services are very scarce, Alfred Nzo, Joe Qgabi and or Tambo are areas we are targeting, the campaign has been widely welcomed by most elderlys, we be handing out wheelchairs as well during this Mandela months.”

In addition to health care the elderly received blankets and cake. The programme forms part of Thuma Mina campaign to fast track service to the people.
