
Drone shows landscape of black molten lava from Cumbre Vieja volcano

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Drone video shot on Saturday showed a landscape of black molten lava as Spain’s Cumbre Vieja volcano remained silent for a fifth consecutive day.

Scientists suggested solidifying lava vents beneath the Cumbre Vieja volcano could herald an end to the three-month eruption.

A small vent in the side of the mountain was expelling smoke but no seismic activity has been registered since late on Monday, fuelling optimism the longest eruption in La Palma’s recorded history could be declared over in time for Christmas.

Authorities on the island allowed evacuated residents to return to clear their ash-covered houses on Thursday but many are still displaced living with relatives or in caravans.

Miguel Angel Morcuende, head of a task force set up to monitor the volcano, warned returning homeowners, most of whom will not yet be allowed to stay overnight, to be cautious – especially those who live near the lava flows.

Thousands of people have been evacuated, at least 2 910 buildings have been destroyed and the island’s economically vital banana plantations have been devastated.
