
Distress calls increased by 400% post COVID-19: SADAG

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG) says the number of calls that they receive per day has increased by more than 400 percent, post the COVID-19 pandemic.

SADAG has highlighted this on World Mental Health Day.

The World Foundation of Mental Health says this year’s theme is “Mental Health is a universal human right.”

October is Mental Health Awareness Month in South Africa.

The objective is to educate the public about mental health and reduce the stigma and discrimination that people who are mentally ill are often subjected to.

Operations Director at SADAG Cassey Chambers says, “Pre-COVID we were receiving about 600 calls per day from people from around the country of all ages who were reaching out for help needing to know where to go to and who to speak to, asking what is wrong with me and how do I help a loved one. To now almost 3 years after COVID, there has been about 3 000 incoming calls per day to our call centre and hundreds more emails, SMSs and social media.”

Meanwhile, Health Minister Doctor Joe Phaahla lead the National World Mental Health Day event in Newcastle, KwaZulu-Natal, to improve knowledge, raise awareness and drive actions that promote and protect everyone’s mental health as a universal human right.

SABC NEWS reporter Vusi Khumalo covered the story:
